Monday 4 August 2014

Why entrepreneurship? – 36 Reasons I discovered

The decision or choice to be an entrepreneur is no easy one (usually).. – whether you are a new kid on the block or you’ve had a corporate career for some (or large) part of your life.And yet, I increasingly read see and hear of so many people taking the deep plunge into entrepreneurship..
I always wondered “Why entrepreneurship?“…And I discovered 36 compelling reasons:

(1) To create something new / unique / innovative
(2) To have a fair chance to make money that a corporate job can probably never really pay you
(3) To fell the thrill / high of building a new business / enterprise (This is very different from 1 above)
(4) To be your own boss
(5) To get away from your current boss / company / life
(6) To work on a purpose larger than yourself / life
(7) To generate employment and improve the quality of life for someone somewhere
(8) To work wholeheartedly on something that you are deeply passionate about, and strongly committed to
(9) To create wealth
(10) To experiment with something you’ve never done before
(11) To fulfill a dream
(12) Entrepreneurship is in the blood ; They can’t / won’t do anything else
(13) To lead from the front (really from the front)
(14) To make life worthwhile
(15) To truly solve a problem / market need
(16) To make life easier for someone somewhere
(17) To address a higher calling
(18) To challenge yourself, and push the envelope
(19) To be in control of your life – and not dependent on someone
(20) To live a life (style) that you’ve always desired
(21) To be in full-control of your time at work
(22) To take-over the family business / set-up
(23) To be in power, and to have the power to control, influence and determine the outcome of a zillion things
(24) To build / create / groom / mentor individuals ; a great opportunity to do it your way
(25) To prove a point – to yourself or someone else
(26) To dis-prove a theory / hypothesis / widely held popular belief. For e.g.: He / She can never be an entrepreneur
(27) To find a way to do something better / faster
(28) To pioneer the way to do something in a cost effective manner
(29) To settle past scores with someone. Sometimes jealousy or revenge are the cause for one to embark on entrepreneurial ventures
(30) To heal wounds of the mind and heart; To some entrepreneurship is therapeutic I’m told
(31) To do something worthwhile / productive with your time, skills and knowledge
(32) To pay the bills and put food on the table
(33) No one else is ready to employ / hire you :(
(34) To make a difference in someone’s life
(35) To maximize usage of both sides of your brain :) – Entrepreneurship needs optimal usage of the left and right side of the brain. Ample role of creativity and logic
(36) To leave a legacy which your forthcoming generations will be proud of

Did I miss any? Leave comments to let me know
