Friday 25 July 2014

Digital Relationship Building

Digital relationship building drip campaigns, email blast, social media, CRM, texting is here to stay, we crave for it and cherish it. Everyday we have a small business owner reaching out to learn how to set-up, manage or improve their social media platforms. The thing is to get the most out of your digital networks you must turn that online relationship into a real world relationship (RWR). It’s unfortunate but most business owners find it to hard to put in the effort to transform the connection online into one that exist offline. They usually respond with not wanting to be to pushy or needy yet they will dedicate hours into interacting with valued customers in the digital world without truly getting to know them in a way they could if they made a phone call, held a party and invited all their customer or even gave them notice that they are coming to their town and would love to meet up for a meal or drink. What happened to making a real connection? Is getting someone’s email or preferred social networks the extent of being social and staying connected?

Every day I received at least one Linkedin request but here’s the thing they really don’t want to be linked in to me as a business owner. Why because the only value they saw was to send me the standard staple message Linkedin decided to furnish them. They did not see fit to personalize the message in anyway or manner to connect to me, I was just another email they had acquire for the purpose of digital relationship building for the value of a number to add to their online dragging rights. I’m worth more than a digital placement in your business life, I’m worth your personal attention. After all I’m a trusted advisor to my friends, family, colleagues and customers. I’m fun to be around, I’ll add to the quality to your network and life. I have the ability to supply good tangible referrals if you show me you are genuine in your relationship building with me, I have valuable information that can add to your bottom line. This is not a quid pro quo but real relationship building a I see you do you see me; I hear you, do you hear; I value you, do you value me?
At what point did we decide that a telephone call was intrusive? At what point did we decide we were more productive solely thru digital interaction? Relationship building isn’t digital files, emails or email blast, it’s looking up as Gary Turk video below clearly explains. Relationship building is connecting face-to-face, eye-to-eye, person-to-person and from all of that you will build repeat business, valuable referrals, trusted business partners and amazing opportunities to collaborate. Relationship building is personal communication not a drip campaign. Turn your digital relationship building into connecting with our customers via
  • holding a party quarterly or once a year
  • inviting them to a networking event you’ll attend
  • have free lunch Fridays at your office and invite your customers
  • making attempts to catch-up over a meal or drinks, it doesn’t have to be one-on-one invite 3 to 4 customers
  • learn who they are outside their jobs, learn why they chose their career
Yes, there is the angle where you ask who’s your best customer and how do you find them. But when a customer see you are not just interested in the money in their pocket but them personally your well crafted drip campaign no matter how good the response rate will not provide the ROI that the personal connection will. Consider it, it’s not in the numbers that you win it’s in the quality in those few numbers that matter the most. The good stuff really happens in real time not digital time as text bloopers craft out.
