Saturday 16 August 2014

Red or Blue Pill: You Live and You Learn

Matrix-red-blue-pill If you are familiar with the Matrix then you know about the red pill and the blue pill theory. If not let me give you a description of them both.

Red Pill = painful truth of reality
Blue Pill = bliss ignorance of illusion

So how does this relate to your own life?
Either you have awaken from the dream like state of believing the world is as is presented or you have taken control of your own world. The world we live in today; we are constantly monitored, tracked, grouped and defined by our position along the financial ladder. Why is this the case though? Why are we constantly being monitored for the collection purposes of powerful entities? It is because we are a commodity within a system that has to be compensated immensely in order to sustain. It consist of a deep rabbit hole that has many different holes that sometimes intertwine in order to make the common goal of financial harvesting possible and efficient. And the shocking aspect of it all is that most people do not know how their actions allow this harvesting to proceed forward without interruption. 

What are some of these entities? Credit monitoring, IRS, the judicial system; anything that imposes jurisdiction over you from the time you were birthed. You are instructed to follow certain guidelines and to strictly abide by them or else you will face certain consequences that can make your life hell. And one the most effective consequences people can be faced with are those which affect their finances. This is a known fact which is why these sort of institutions are able to remain in power; because they have power over your mobility in the world you are plugged into. Every movement you make has to be thought about because you are constantly thinking about how it impedes your ability to progress in the “real” world.

Now what I am saying does not correlate to disregarding common sense and becoming a criminal. What I am saying is that you have to beat the systems in place at their own game. The problem that persist for most people though, is that this involves intricate thought and a little sacrificing. Instead of financing a dream under heavy debt and slaving away in a rigged system, play by your own terms. Using myself for example: I will now only pay for purchases with cash, no more unneeded debt. I am creating my own economic production system that is reliant solely on my capabilities and hard work. Instead of letting my community be run by corrupt systems, I will place myself within the process and leverage my power for real accountability to be upheld. Small incremental steps that lead to big results.

Stop living in ignorant bliss! But no need to even rant any further. It is your choice as to which pill you choose to swallow… 
