Monday 4 August 2014


MONEY!..Sung about, dreamed about, loved and despised. No matter what you think about money, it does seem to make the World go round. However, there is a very DARK side to money which many people do not know.

Holding on to Money and not letting it go can actually make you poor.

Here’s why..

It can create a fearful mindset.
Although people describe money as many things… the people who tend to have most of it are those who are willing to spend it in order to make more. The opposite of this is when a person won’t spend it for fear of loss.

Holding on to money can almost become like an addiction.

Now don’t get me wrong, I understand the need to be being frugal at times. I’ve been broke, I know what it feels like – and I also realise that many people in the world suffer hardship that I’ve never seen.. however, there are also people who just won’t let go of money even when it seems a logical thing to do.

For instance. Most poverty (in the West) stems from a lack of education. When I say education, I’m not talking about the type that people learn in School, most people in the West have access to schooling. I’m talking about the type that builds a persons net worth.

“The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work” – Robert Kiyosaki

The SECRET to money is learning to let it go in order for it to come back many times over. You need to invest in yourself, whether that is though education or a viable business model. TIP. Invest in a business that provides the education you need to be successful.
The secret to making money is not to hold on to as much money as possible and never invest any of it in your future, you probably spend money anyway on all kinds of things they don’t need.
Once you learn to let it go, take action in your business and don’t wait for miracles, money will find it’s way back to you a thousandfold..That is the secret…
Money, even with it’s dark secrets can make people happy. An abundant lifestyle begins with a good positive mind. Power up your mind daily by being around positive people who share the secrets to creating wealth.
