Thursday 7 August 2014

Surprising Secrets of Entrepreneurs

Business success can mean accepting what others deny.

There are a lot of pieces of advice or information that a lot of us have heard.  In fact, certain bits of conventional wisdom are repeated many times over, readily available in dozens of business books.  But the biggest piece of information for an entrepreneur is to leave no stone unturned—look for and find ways to succeed that most people never would.  This can mean bucking conventional wisdom and doing things that are nearly the opposite.  Or, it can mean just being able to embrace certain strategies or methids that might seem too risky or even undesirable to less adventurous types.
In particular, certain things that not everyone is quick to admit about the world we live in can lead to success as an entrepreneur.  Aiming your business and your products and services to satisfy certain conditions is the key to success.  Here are those conditions.

1. Lack of Drive and Energy

Consider the person who conceived of the Snooze button on an alarm clock.  This is based on the idea that people shouldn’t decide between getting up and just lying there with music on, but that they should be able to have both: nice, quiet sleep for five more minutes (since they set their alarm for five minutes before they really wanted to get up).
Ultimately, if you don’t want to hear the annoying music, you can get up (which is what the alarm clock is there for in the first place) and turn it off and get the day started.  But how well do alarm clocks with no Snooze fair in the marketplace?  Thus, designing your products, effectively, around the laziness of your potential customers, may be a good idea.

2. Learn as You Go

You’ll hear a lot about the business plan and the blue print.  Some people make it seem as though if you don’t have the next fifteen or twenty-five years of your business mapped out meticulously, you’ll fail as a result.  However, it’s great minds that succeed, not always great ideas.  That’s because the first several versions of whatever product you put out will need tweaking and recover spontaneity on your part.  How good you are at rolling with the punches will determine your success.

3. Names and Logos are Important

It may be the case that your customers have a certain intelligence or savvy that you’d be good to honor.  But they’ll exercise a lot of that actually using your product.  Your first have to pull them in, and this is best done with a simple name and simple logo.  Don’t try to dazzle customers with some arcane or overly-clever brand.
An article on the subject from counsels starter-uppers to “resist the urge to name the company after the mythical Greek God of fast service or the Latin phrase for “We’re number one!”

4. Success Consumes Time

One mistake business starters make is to not realize how many hours they have to put in.  If you work really hard but not insanely hard, and still can’t make ends meet, you really just need to put more time in.  In other words, you have the option of trading some of your time for what it takes to bring in revenue exceeding expenses.
Perhaps this means doing—up to a point—some of the work you’d otherwise pay for, etc.
It’s absolutely true that it’s best to have a work-life balance, and it’s best not to run yourself into the ground or risk your sanity.  But if doing so, short term, is what it takes to turn that crucial corner, then you have little choice.  Don’t let your business go down because you don’t realize how much of your time it takes.
The secrets to successful entrepreneurship come at us from all directions. It’s all about figuring out all aspects and coming up with the best way of looking at each individual problem.
