Tuesday 26 August 2014

5 things you MUST do to start your own business

Trying to start your own business can be exciting, but it’s also really scary. It’s a whole bunch of mixed emotions and sometimes those emotions can be so overwhelming that you never even start!
We have dreams when we’re young and as we get older, those dreams change. We start out wanting to take on the world.
Singers, actors, astronauts and doctors, soon become public servants, office workers and tradesman.
While there’s certainly nobility in ANY workplace, the question remains, when did our dreams change?
For some, the dreams is simply to start your own business, but at some point in time, you deviate from this plan.Maybe it was the risk involved, or your circumstances changed. Or maybe you’re thinking about starting a business but haven’t really pushed yourself over the edge yet?
Well starting a business isn’t hard and doesn’t have to be any more complicated than you make it out to be.

Here’s 5  simple things that might give you enough push to start your own business.

1. Follow your dreams

If there’s one thing that’s guaranteed for an entrepreneur, it’s failure. But with failure, comes strength and knowledge.
It takes failure to reach success, because of the many lessons you’ll learn along the way, but unfortunately we’re not built to accept failure easily.
It’s not easy to get back on the horse after you’ve fallen off. In fact it’s very tough! Entrepreneurial spirit is strongest now than it ever has been, but many dreams are never realised because we aren’t confident of our own abilities.
Trying to start your own business can be overwhelming but there’s always someone who can talk you through the obstacles and challenges you might face.
- Friends
- Family
- Networking events
- Mentors
The obvious key to starting a business is to simply start. And if you don’t know where to begin, then look to the resources around you. If you can’t be resourcesful, how do you expect to succeed?

2. Be savvy and minimise costs

With technology advancing faster than it ever has before a lot of savvy small business owners are starting to look at low cost solutions to starting a business. Choosing to rent everything in the office from the reception (Outsourcing to another country or to a virtual office) is a great way to save on expensive overheads when you’re starting out.
It means you can stay up to date with technology without the high upfront costs associated with it. It also allows you better control of cashflow, which is the number one reason most businesses will fail in the first 12 months.
Think about ways to minimise costs, but dont cut costs. There’s a big difference.
- Try the Phillipines for a good quality, low cost, Virtual assistant. You can expect to pay between $5 – $7 per hour for a reliable outsourced worker and if you research the market, you can find one perfectly versed in english, with graphic design and IT skills to complement the service.
- Cross capitalize with another small business start up. Split office space with a non-competing start up business. Advertise in the local paper or online. You’ll not only limit your overheads, but also share a space with someone as motivated as you are
- Create strategic partnerships. Does your business, product or service offer something valuable? Trade that service with someone offering a product or service that YOU need. Bartering is a great way to minimise spend and save money for cash flow purposes. Cash is king
- Rent out un-used space. If you have space in your office, rent it out part time. Make the most out of any opportunity to increase your capital. Work smarter, not harder.

3. Get a good work-life balance

Starting a business takes a lot of work and it won’t stop once you’re up and running. If anything, it will get harder before it gets easier.
But this isn’t a reason to quit or to never even start at all!
It’s important for you to be happy, and if you spend all your time in the office, it’s very unlikely you will be. Even if you’re just starting out.
We’re in a position now where we can capitalise on tools to access our computers and work stations for anywhere we want. Invest in good, low cost internet solution and spend one day a week working from your favourite park.
Or take a spontaneous trip. Taking a break over the weekend doesn’t mean you have to completely forget about work – Keep you smart phone close and your laptop closer.

4. Think about your strategy online AND offline

Most small business owners are guilty of letting the ball drop online. They fail to realise the potential that’s out there for online businesses.
Social media allows you to compete alot more evenly with bigger corporations and businesses because you can reach your consumers directly. Sure it might take you a lot longer to develop such a large userbase, but that’s the only advantage they have.
You might spend hours obsessing about the layout of your store, but what about your online presence?
How are you going to build an audience, convert customers and keep engaging with these customers in the digital space? A good starting point to help you think about this are the online insights tools that you can find for free on the internet.
Whether your business is online OR offline, the most valuable thing to you are customers. Before you even think about beginning, you need to think about HOW you’re going to get customers and secondly, HOW you’ll be converting them.

5. Don’t give up

Not everyone will have as much faith in your business as you will.
There’s an old saying that says “Don’t listen to what anyone has to say about how silly your business idea is. Because right now, there’s some millionaire walking around who invented the pool noodle”.
And how true is this??
While it’s always important to heed the advice of others, (your critics can actually be the most helpful) if you think it’s a brilliant idea then you can make it work. What ever the mind can believe and concieve, it can achieve.
Success is about the journey, NOT the destination, and their are plenty of other routes available for you to take. If you find one road’s closed, then simply take another.
Success is about learning and consistently improving and growing. You’ll definitely get setbacks, but prepare yourself for them.

Source: http://thesuccesssoup.com/startups/start-your-own-business