Saturday 9 August 2014

Is the Law of Attraction Not Working for You?

Have you read articles and books about the law of attraction or took part in courses and workshops, but you see no results?
Do you wonder sometimes whether the law of attraction works at all?
Do all these books and workshops on the law of attraction, which promise great results, deliver what they promise?
In case you don’t know, the law of attraction is a term, which was popularized a few years back. It refers to the power of the mind, which can attract and create success. This is nothing new. The law of attraction is known as creative visualization, the power of thoughts, the law of opulence, and by other names, and has been used for thousands of years.
In simple words, your thoughts and imagination create your reality, and by using them correctly, you can change your reality. The truth is that everyone uses this power, positively or negatively, without knowing they are using the law of attraction.
Some people get results and some don’t. This has nothing to do with the law of attraction. This has to do with you, how you use this law and the goals you have chosen.

Is the law of attraction not working for you?

The facts are:
  1. The law of attraction, when used correctly delivers results.
  2. Most people are satisfied with small goals, with just improving their lives a little and living a comfortable life. They might sometimes dream about great success, but actually, they are satisfied with a simpler life.
  3. Mostly, people wish, they don’t desire strongly. Here is what Napoleon Hill wrote in his book ‘Think and Grow Rich’: “I will burn all bridges behind me, and stake my entire future on my ability to get what I want.”
    “Every person who wins in any undertaking must be willing to burn his ships and cut all sources of retreat. Only by so doing can one be sure of maintaining that state of mind known as a BURNING DESIRE TO WIN, essential to success.”
  4. It is not enough just to read books or participate in courses. There must be a burning desire, and most people don’t have it.
  5. If you use the law of attraction in your daily life, in your relationships, job and for improving your life it will work.
  6. To make major changes in your life is a different thing. It is possible, however, few people are ambitious enough, and have the necessary patience, perseverance and desire.

Why people get disappointed with law of attraction?

Sometimes, books and all kinds of products promise spectacular success, almost immediately. However, everything big requires work, effort and time. You also need a few skills, talents and knowledge. Without them, you won’t go far.
Suppose you never played tennis in your life. One day, you decide to learn to play. How much time would you devote to this sport? Maybe an hour or two, a few times a week. In time, you will improve, but what are you chances of becoming a Wimbledon champion?
To become a tennis champion you need to train for years, from an early age, and for many hours.
To become a great football player you need the talent and you need constant training.
To be able to speak fluently a foreign language you need to learn and practice a lot.
To stand out in any field or area, you need to have a strong desire, certain skills and the willingness to invest time and effort.
You want money. You want to be rich, but are you really willing to invest the necessary time and effort to get it? Well, you might win the lottery, but most often, money comes from other channels.
Making a lot of money requires a certain life style, behavior and actions, but not everyone is willing to make the necessary changes and live this kind of life.
This is why the law of attraction, sometimes, doesn’t seem to work. It will work if you use it correctly, and are willing to do everything to succeed. It will work, if you use it for getting what you really and truly want. Often, these are simple things, like better relationships, better health, a better job, a better car, more money, and other similar things.
