Monday 11 August 2014

Read my lips: Smelly, messy houses don't sell

Clearly my message is not being heard.
I’ve emphasized repeatedly the importance of “staging” to make your home appealing to the highest number of potential buyers. That is, declutter, depersonalize and set a trap for buyers, paying attention to how your house appeals to all five senses.
After showing 21 Orange County houses in the last three days, it’s clear too many home sellers have not gotten the message.
Rather than go on another rant, I figured you might enjoy the specific details about what I’ve seen recently. You tell me if these people have any interest in getting their house sold for as high a price as possible in as fast a time as possible.

The smelly

Actually, this week there were two winners in the smelliest house on the market category.
Both had me at the front door. Pungent, acrid, heavy, offensive, nauseating, and eye-wateringly smelly houses. The reek of garlic, grease, and spices strong enough to permeate every pore of the property.
I suggested my clients might consider a thorough washing.

The messy

At least one open suitcase, with the contents on display, in every single room, including the dining room, living room and family room.
Dirty laundry piled up in the hall way. A queen-sized mattress sitting on its side, leaning against the upstairs hallway banister, conveniently blocking the view of the downstairs entry way.
Remnants of breakfast decorating the kitchen counter. Dishes piled up in the sink – not in any harmonious fashion and devoid of any distinguishable color scheme. Books strewn about the floor, abandoned for other pastimes.
Personal care items scattered willy-nilly on the bathroom counters.
Dog poop resting on the front lawn -- and on the front porch.
A hot mess.

The suspicious

“Oh, yes, just give me a minute to get my dog, and we’ll take a walk.”
This seller started with extra points for understanding that you have to leave when your house is being shown. Sure, we can wait.
So after a few minutes, she says the coast is clear and in we go. After a brief walk-through, we realize there is a three-wick candle burning in every room. Living room, kitchen, dining room, all three bedrooms.
Something that makes you want to say, “I wonder what they are trying to cover up? Last night’s smelly food? Mold growing in the bathroom? Or the stinky dog?”
None of the preceding being a good answer.

The embarrassing

“Oh, excuse me! I thought this was a closet!” my client exclaimed after opening a door. But instead, it exposed someone using the bathroom.
Certainly this is an effective demonstration of the indoor plumbing, but an embarrassing encounter nonetheless.
