Friday 18 July 2014

Your Mind Is Noisy and Busy Like a Marketplace

Imagine yourself stepping out of your mind and watching it from the outside. You will be amazed to discover that it is like a marketplace. It is full of noise, movement and action. It’s like being in the hustle and bustle of a busy marketplace. In the marketplace, people talk aloud, shout and try to attract people to their stalls. It is the same inside the mind. There are many thoughts coming and going, constantly trying to attract your attention and make you follow them. Thoughts occupy your mind all the time, hardly giving you any free moment. Your mind is a very busy and noisy place. In this place, you are not free for a moment. Your attention is always drawn here and there. Suppose you are with people who never stop talking, engaging your attention without a moment of rest. Can you think or plan anything while they are talking? They tire you and exhaust you, forcing you to keep your attention on what they say. This is exactly how your thoughts behave. This is why you need learn to impose silence on your thoughts, so that your mind can rest. This is why you need inner peace.

What Is Inner Peace?

It is the act of emptying your mind of unnecessary, restless and disturbing thoughts, and enjoying a sense of peace, calmness and happiness. Inner peace is not a state of passiveness, and certainly does not make life dull. On the contrary, it makes you more conscious, alive and happy. It is a state of inner strength, and it helps you live life more fully. The experience of inner peace is like going on a vacation. On vacation you are away from your home and the problems of daily life. In a state of inner peace you get away from your thoughts, worries and fears, and enjoy happiness and freedom from thoughts. You take a break from your mind. It would be great, if you could have moments of peace, of a mental vacation. It would be even greater, if you could take longer periods of mental rest. Don’t worry, while your mind is calm and peaceful you will not be asleep or unconscious. While experiencing the kind of inner peace I am talking about, you will be completely alert, conscious and focused. You will feel more alive than ever. Bringing inner peace to your mind is like emptying your room of junk and unnecessary stuff and therefore, having extra space and freedom.
