Monday 28 July 2014

The Secrets of Selling Successfully

Selling is done the same way, whether online or off, which means that the rules of the game don’t change all that much. That being said, there are still those who think that the two modes of selling are like taming two different wild beasts at the same time. Keeping that in mind, the following lines are going to cover the secrets of selling successfully both online and offline.


All Customers Want to Buy

Let’s just say it as it is, everyone likes to buy new stuff, and especially new stuff. While that is true, nobody likes to be sold stuff or even told what to do. This is one of the main reasons why customers run away once sales teams become too aggressive while persuading, convincing or in other words, manipulating people into buying their product or service.
The idea of making a sale whether online (ecommerce websites) or offline (door to door or brick and mortar) is to assist the customer in to making the best decision possible. This will not only make the customer respect you for your service, but will also make their experience more pleasurable, which will consequently create the desire to buy.

Cold Calling Works

It doesn’t matter what the gurus say, the practice of cold calling, when used sparingly, works. Think about it, calling people who you don’t know to ask if you can help them is one of the best ways in which you can connect with the potential customer. And while all professional businesses use emails as a tactic to get potential customers to talk, cold calling is a better and much more direct way of getting the information which you need, both to improve your product and service, create rapport and build that valuable customer base.

It’s all about Listening (to the Customer)

The real challenge to businesses, when it comes to selling a product or service is to get the customer to talk rather than constantly talking to the customer. This is where you need to let the customer dominate the conversation, rather than using the “me, me, me” pitch. Also monitor the conversations that are happening on various social media outlets about your company, the product and the brand. Stay attentive, harness that information, and use it to tweak your next online marketing campaign.

Loyal Customers vs. New Ones

This is always going to be a tricky question, or is it? Convincing new customers to buy your product or service instead of the next is always going to be both expensive and chancy. On the other hand, getting your existing clients to buy your newly released products or services is easy and inexpensive. While expanding one’s business by breaking in to new territory is the goal of every business owner, your number one priority should always be to transform your existing client list into a customer for your latest offering, mainly because it costs you nothing and is practically automatic. New customers should only be a priority when a business is just starting up.

Create a Great Customer Experience

By far, the best and most effective way of creating your brand image is by creating a great customer experience. While large businesses often spend lots of money on their branding and marketing campaigns, a brand is basically what your clients think about you and is always the result of the experience they’ve had while doing business with you. So, you should be making sure that you create a great customer experience. You can do this by paying attention to the minute details which can make your brand better and create a better customer experience for all those who visit you at your business website or physical location.

Ending Note

While there are those who sell for a living, we like to call those folks salesmen (or women), there’s not a single person on the planet who does not sell their value. Everyone does it, from the company CEO to the janitor. So, unless your job description is “Stare at the ceiling” or something, you are selling, so why not use these tips, when you do.
