Thursday 17 July 2014

10 Reasons to Start Your Dream Business Today

Starting that dream business always seems to feel like a task for “later.” You know, when you’ll have a ton of time, more money and greater skill to back it, and perhaps a better network through which to market it … and on and on. The truth is, there is no better day than today to get started on your dreams, because the more time passes, the more daunting it will become. With that in mind, here are 10 reasons to go for it rather than watching the years pass as you wait for the “perfect time.”


1. The Market Has Officially Rebounded

Folks like to throw the phrase “bad economy” around like candy at a parade, but luckily, the economy is no longer considered “bad” by experts. For entrepreneurs, this means a green light for getting started on those dreams. While consumers are still somewhat tight-fisted, if you showcase your unique goods or services with charm and individuality, you’ll likely do well.

2. Your Dream Won’t Get Easier to Accomplish

Have you ever noticed that when you put off a chore, it seems to grow in proportion? Even something as simple as cleaning the bathroom or calling your grandmother can become more and more burdensome the longer you put it off. This tendency is especially dangerous with big, scary, overwhelming prospects like starting a business, where you’ll have to do much more than find the Clorox or dial Grammy. Start now, before your dream becomes a nightmare.

3. Waiting Builds Doubt

On a related note, waiting gives you time to second-guess yourself. Slowly but surely, you’ll build up enough reasons that you can’t that overcoming them will take a Herculean feat … and on top of day jobs, commutes, chores and kids, who has time for that? Begin now, and smash your doubts from the outset by showing yourself that hey, look, you can do it.

4. You Learn As You Go

A common misconception about starting your business is that you must know everything before you can do anything. This is pernicious and false. No one builds a company overnight, and no one knew what they were doing from the very beginning. Instead, learn enough to avoid most failures (avoiding all of them is impossible) and produce enough to show off what you’re capable of. The rest will come with time.

5. Finding a Mentor Is Easier With Something to Show

Experts and old hats love to take newbies under their wings, but only with proof that those ingenues are willing to work. With that in mind, you’re far better off launching your business and then looking for people to help you. You can then refer to your portfolio or website with specific questions, for example. This also ensures that you will know exactly what it is you want out of your company, which many people don’t right away. Once you do, you’ll have an easier time finding the perfect guide.

6. Starting a Blog to Bring in Business Takes Time

One of the best ways to build your business is starting a blog. Blogs, when well-written, are a fantastic tool to show what you can do and bring in traffic. But you have to be patient, because blogs take time to gain traction. That means starting now is a far better idea than starting later. Even if you’ll supposedly have all your ducks in a row at that point, you’ll miss out on the opportunity to grow in the meantime.

7. Online Businesses Are Cheap

Luckily, we no longer live in the brick-and-mortar days. Now anyone can go online and, with a few hundred bucks and a plan, start an e-commerce website and put their offerings out into the world. You no longer have the excuse of waiting to amass capital or get a loan.

8. You Already Have a Network

It’s tempting to put off your dreams on the assumption that you haven’t built a good network, but guess what? You’ve already got one. Yep. If you have a mama, you have a network. A best friend, a hubby, a coworker … while it might seem that these people don’t “count,” they are actually key players in your network, able to not only cheer-lead your work, but introduce others to it as well. Your network will mature as your business does, so don’t wait.

9. Your Idea Won’t Get More Unique If You Wait

Wanting a truly original idea that no one has ever thought of before is, well, unoriginal. We all want that, but the truth is, most ideas have been had. Get over it. If what you’ve got to offer is good, then you don’t have anything to worry about. And if it is particularly unique, you don’t want to give someone else time to come up with it.

10. You Want To, Right?

This is your dream, isn’t it? If so, there’s no point in waiting to get older, more fearful, less engaged and more embittered. Instead, embrace your passion in its springtime, when you’re still full of enthusiasm and verve. Get all those good ideas out where people can see them. Only then will you gain confidence, get better and really start to live that dream. 
