Monday 28 July 2014

How To Create Your Own Luck

I don’t believe in luck in a mystical sense, where through some random ritual or psychic forecast you can ensure yourself a little easier going. That’s because mysticism puts fate out of your control, I think. And I have always wanted to keep my fate in my own hands.
Nevertheless, I do most definitely believe that luck exists; I just think it’s a little more purposeful, and controllable, than most might think. I also think it’s often the simple result of being in the right place at the right time. And sometimes that’s all you need for your life to change forever.
So how does any of this relate to your business? Simple: you can create luck for yourself and your company by finding ways to put yourself in that right place at that right time. And sometimes that’s all you need to take your company to new heights. Happens all the time. How? By seizing opportunities to constantly improve yourself, your leadership skills and your company.
…full disclosure: I’m no Dr. Peter Venkman or Emmet Brown, so I have no parapsychological or metaphysical evidence to back up anything that I’m saying. I’m just a guy who runs a tech business and who thinks life is way too fragile and short to not make it amazing. I also want to be in control of where I take it. Maybe you do too.

Creating your own luck begins with learning where to find opportunity…

As an entrepreneur, you’re doing yourself an injustice when you don’t push yourself beyond your comfort zone to capitalize on a new opportunity, and opportunities abound when you run a startup. That’s especially the case when your business is in the early stages because you don’t just have to wear many hats, you’ve often got to wear every hat, and there’s all kinds of opportunities, several of which you may have absolutely zero qualifications for or experience handling. But forget that. Be versatile. Be hungry to become an expert in new areas. Be obsessed, in fact.
As a former soldier, I’ll use a military example: you’ve got to be the general, the grunt and the medic, all at the same time, and you’re always advancing on enemy lines, and you’re always taking casualties. Learning your role(s) allows you to capitalize. And capitalizing allows you to keep moving forward. I like to tell new people on my team to think of it like this: Welcome to Viet Nam. You just graduated from high school. You were a Private. But you just got promoted to Lieutenant. The fate of 40 other soldiers now lies squarely in your hands. It is no longer relevant what you were comfortable doing – just figure it out.
I think you’ve really got to commit yourself to a career of constant self-education to learn where to look for the best opportunities. Read books and blogs on project management or technology if that’s your field. Get to know online help communities like Meetup or Quora where you can go to network and get guidance or even hire people. Start tapping into your personal and professional network to seek out individuals who may want to join or help you raise funding. These are avenues that will help you acclimate to your newfound executive role and seek out the most valuable opportunities.
At my company, especially in the beginning, I did everything from site architecture and design to customer service, finance and sales, in addition to strategy and fundraising…most of these things I had no prior experience with. At all. But I love what I do, and I pushed myself to learn and figure things out. As you grow your business, it won’t always be feasible to enjoy such deep involvement, but understanding your resources and constantly educating yourself prepares you for the wartime promotion that will take you out of your element.

It’s inexcusable to fail because of inaction…

Of the innumerable ways startups often fail, the very last should be inaction. And I think it usually is the result of being either lazy, overwhelmed or, more often, afraid. These sentiments can pervade an entire organization, but it’s most important for you as a founder not to be paralyzed by anything. Whether it’s a fear like that of public speaking (pitching to investors, selling to clients for the first time, giving a pep talk, etc.) or simply a matter of spending time to go to the extra mile (attending a networking event or meeting a customer in person as opposed to over the phone), seize the opportunity. Get the Nike mentality and just do it, whatever it is.
I’ll give you a more civilian and personal example this time: writing this very column. I’m ecstatic to have this opportunity to share my experiences with other entrepreneurs in a forum like Forbes. But I could have just as easily decided not to take on the new challenge because I simply don’t have time for yet another responsibility. In a startup time is your best friend, your most valuable asset. If I’m 100% with you, though, my hesitation was more aptly due to a little bit of fear. You write for a periodical like Forbes for example, and you’re exposing your ideas and opinions to the criticism of thousands, and sometimes millions of people. As a writer, you voluntarily subject yourself to that criticism. As a business owner, the fear is that you’re indirectly subjecting your entire company to that criticism.
I think we all, to a different extent, have a fear of taking on new challenges because uncertain outcomes make us uneasy; but you get no value from not challenging yourself. Way I see it, the alternatives are simple with challenges like this. You either stay in your foxhole, afraid to get hit and accomplish nothing, or you take a risk and potentially end up with a major achievement under your belt. I decided that being able to simultaneously share my experiences with other entrepreneurs, record my thoughts, and, yes, get a little bit of press exposure was well worth the risk of criticism and offered more value than the alternative: nothing.

Condition yourself to be in a state of constant preparedness…

Along the same lines of fear, you must forget about the preoccupation with making a mistake…which is not to say be careless. But I do mean that if you are going to make a mistake, then make it out of ambition and courage, not out of laziness or fear. Sometimes you will be wrong. Sometimes people will disagree with you. But be fearless and make a move. Be bold, be tireless, and be resilient because that mentality needs to be the essence of your entire organization. Get something out there, generate traction and iterate based on feedback and what you learn. Jump in head first and train yourself to be impenetrable to your fear and confident that even when you do make a mistake, you’ll be resilient enough to bounce back and adjust for the next iteration or improvement.
Try getting yourself into a mentality of fearless ambition. If it only comes in bursts, try training yourself to make those bursts last longer. It’s all a state of mind, and it can be conditioned. Intentionally do things that make you uncomfortable. Get up and sing during a karaoke party. Ask a random girl or guy on a date. Turn off the TV and do some research on your competitors if you’re feeling lazy. Train yourself to always be looking for the next opportunity, your next challenge for growth, because that mindset is exactly what allows us to create our own luck.

Opportunism and serendipity are behind some of the biggest business successes…

A friend of mine started a company that eventually got very close to going bankrupt. They were clearing out their office and found several perfectly good textbooks lying around. They started sending these textbooks out to students free of charge to get rid of them. The funny thing is that for some reason, students started sending those textbooks back to the company. With few other options remaining, they thought, why not run with this? There could be a new opportunity here. They made one last pivot with their business model and started renting textbooks…today that company has raised almost $200M in funding, has brought on some of the most talented executive management in the world and is rumored to be eyeing an IPO. They were incredibly intelligent founders, but sometimes in a startup – in fact, this is the case at some of the biggest companies in the world – what you really need is a little bit of serendipity. And they created that serendipity by being opportunistic. Don’t you want to be able to do the same?

Creating good karma is just like creating good luck, and it will inspire loyalty and better results…

What else helps you create luck? Being a good person. Not to sound corny here, but kind gestures and loyalty do come back around. How can you apply this to your business? Talk to your customers firsthand for one. During the first few months of my company’s existence, I answered every single customer service call – not just because we couldn’t afford a staff, but more importantly because I wanted to understand exactly what the customer wanted and exactly what she wasn’t getting, and I’d make sure to personally see to it that she walked away happy.
I run a fashion website and blog (for independent fashion brands, music merchandise, custom products, etc.) that doesn’t manage its own distribution or shipping, which normally makes customer satisfaction very difficult to achieve at scale. Nevertheless, our commitment to connecting with our customers has helped us achieve an order return and cancellation rate of well under 10%, with the majority of order cancellations due to items simply being out of stock. Several customers in fact have written in to us telling us they had the best customer service in their lives with us.
Apply this mindset to your team and strategic partners as well. Show loyalty to your people – prove to your employees that you genuinely care about their best interest. Spend time personally with them. And treat every client like they are the most important client. Create a personal connection. I’ll give you another example of how this has worked for me: I met a Japanese street artist in New York City four or five years ago. I liked his art so I struck up a conversation with the dude, took his number and commissioned him to make me a custom piece. He invited me to a party later that weekend where I met the president of their company. I kept in touch with their president, and we went out from time to time. Now, years later, maintaining that friendship, which started on an unparticular New York City street, has directly resulted in my current business securing several new clients, gaining valuable business contacts in Japan, and, coming up in October 2012, will result in a major event that my company will throw in NYC to generate more exposure and sales for both his and my company together.
As an entrepreneur, valuing the human element of your business doesn’t simply help you create goodwill, luck or whatever else you want to call it. It is crucial to your survival because when you have little-to-no capital to pay employees, and when you have no track record to demonstrate value to new clients, your loyalty and thoughtfulness will be the deciding factors in who sticks by your side when the chips are down.

Strike a balance between opportunism and focus…

Don’t confuse ambition and opportunism with an attempt to be everywhere at once because you drown as a business when you lack focus. But do challenge yourself to keep a resourceful confidence. Hone in on your core competencies as a business, and then commit yourself to taking risks and challenging yourself, but only in those areas that are relevant to your objectives.

Create your own fate…

I’m also not saying to remove all the elements of surprise and excitement from your life by having a plan for absolutely everything. Rather, think of creating your own luck as a framework for embarking on a path where your surprises are the types that build more powerful personal and professional relationships, help you become mentally stronger as a leader, and which take your company to new heights. Accomplish these things by learning how to identify new opportunities, by taking action when you find them – and learning how to condition yourself to love taking action – and by inspiring loyalty with everyone you work with.
And think of your next decision this way: is saving a little bit of time or not confronting a little bit of fear worth more than a shot at putting your company in the right place at the right time?
